S6 Episode #3- Laura Swisher


This week I’m excited to bring you my conversation with Laura Swisher. I was blown away by her vulnerability as she shared the struggles that she has walked through and the ways that God has shown up in her life to bring her a life of freedom and recovery. Laura serves as Executive Director for Seeds of Hope, a nonprofit organization that provides college scholarships to bright young leaders. Tune is as Laura reminds us about the love of the Father and His ability to meet us in our lowest moments and provide in ways that we could never have imagined on our own!


Laura graduated with a Language and World Business degree from the University of Tennessee. 

Laura claims the joy of the Lord is her strength. She serves as Executive Director for Seeds of Hope, a nonprofit organization that provides college scholarships to bright young leaders. She serves on the Board of A Better World, a nonprofit dedicated to empowering at-risk youth in West Charlotte by enriching their physical, mental, and spiritual development. 

Laura is an active member at Moments of Hope Church and cherishes her time with her Wednesday morning Bible study ladies. 

Most of all she loves being a wife of 27 years, mom to a college son, a stepmom, and LaLa to 6 grandchildren.



Laura has known that God has been with her since she was a little girl, but her faith became more real for her later on in life. 

About 12 years ago Laura was in a Bible study with a group of women who were seeking hard after Jesus.  It was at this time that she felt she couldn’t wait another day– she had to get baptized! 

She realized that she had been doing things her own way and compartmentalizing her faith. She decided at that moment that it was time to give everything to God and do things HIS way, committing every part of her life to Him. 

At this time Laura started diligently asking God to show her what she had in her life that didn’t need to be there anymore. The word that continued to come to her over and over again was “alcohol”. She realized that wine had become an addiction for her. At this point she began her journey of recovery. 


Laura looked like she had it all together, but she was struggling with alcoholism. God used this season to teach her that He loved her enough not to just let her slide by with a life of things just being “ok”. He had more planned for her life and in her journey of giving up alcohol she was opened up to a whole new world of intimacy with Jesus. 

When we are obedient with whatever God is asking us to do, we can see God so much more clearly than ever before. It is in these times when we start to know Him more deeply and go to new places with Him. 

When people find The Lord in recovery, it is the most beautiful picture of God’s grace, redemption and healing! 

God’s opinion is the only opinion that matters. When He confirms something for us, we need to walk in it, even if other people don’t understand. 

When you are at the start of your recovery, you need to just stay in today. Focus on the moment in front of you and don’t worry about things you will face in the future. 

You may not struggle with alcoholism, but any area in your life where you feel like you’ve lost the freedom of choice is an area where God wants to come in and bring renewed freedom.  There is full freedom in Christ! 


Laura always longed for children, and God blessed her with so many kids in her life through her step-daughters and her grandchildren. God also worked a miracle in her body and allowed her to have a son when the doctor’s didn’t think it would be possible! 

She never thought that her family would look like this, but it is better and more abundant than she could have ever imagined! 


Laura is the executive director of Seeds of Hope– a nonprofit organization that provides college scholarships to bright young leaders. 

Check it out here! 

A little more about the mission:  “At SEEDS of Hope, we believe young people with big dreams can transform communities – all they need is a boost! The SEEDS Scholar program provides students with a partial scholarship, a supportive circle of friends, and some informal mentoring to support their goals. That’s all it takes and these young people are ready to soar!

We invite you all to join us as we empower young leaders and support them as they pursue making a difference in their communities.”


God is so personal and he is involved in all of the details of our lives. 

Laura encourages us to pray specific prayers so that we can recognize the specific answers. God answers prayers! We can claim His Word over our lives and the lives of others. 

One example: For months Laura prayed for her son’s housing situation and God provided a situation that was better than she could ever have imagined. 

When we are diligent in our prayers, our faith is strengthened when we see the answer because we recognize that it was from God. Diligent prayers also help to keep the worry at bay. When we are daily releasing our fears and desires to The Lord, we are giving it to the One who is fully in control. God can see the full picture and He knows what He’s doing. He has better plans than anything we could accomplish without Him. 

Stand on His promises: 

  • He who began a good will see it through until completion. (Philippians 1:6, paraphrased) 

  • Even when we can’t see it, God is working! 

  • His Word never returns void. It always achieves the purpose for which He sent it. (Isaiah 55:11, paraphrased) 

  • His children cannot be snatched out of His hand. (John 10:28, paraphrased) 

  • Nothing can separate us from the love of God. (Romans 8:38) 


The joy of The Lord is our strength! 

Don’t take offense. We need to love our neighbors and not be offended.



Seeds of Hope

Laura's Instagram

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  • The Collected Podcast is a production of Collected Ministries, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping disciples of Jesus discover and live from their true identity in Christ, recognize and walk in their divine purpose within the Kingdom of God, and experience growth in their capacity for mature, healthy relationships.

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  • The Collected Podcast is produced by Jes Biondo and edited by Jacob Early. Cover art designed by Ben Biondo.