S5 Episode #6- Marcy Gregg


This week we are excited to welcome artist, author and speaker, Marcy Gregg to the show! In this interview, Marcy reminds listeners that God did not save you for your past, He saved you for a future! When you wait on God, He will renew your strengths and sustain you with His hope! This episode will leave you feeling hopeful and inspired for the New Year!

Marcy Gregg is an abstract oil painter, author, and speaker in Charlotte, North Carolina. Born in East Texas, Marcy expressed an interest in art at an early age. She remained in Texas after graduation from Southern Methodist University (SMU) in Dallas, where she majored in studio art. After graduation, Marcy married and set her art aside to focus on her family. They relocated to Charlotte where in the busyness of family life Marcy continued to put her art on hold.

However, her life was changed forever after a serious complication arose during the delivery of her third child, leaving Marcy in a coma from which there was little hope of recovery.

Overcoming incredible odds, Marcy regained consciousness but lost much of her memory. Faced with the daunting task of rebuilding her identity, Marcy slowly put the pieces of her life back together, even starting her own corporate consulting business. However, she found that her gratitude for being given a second chance at life did not find expression in the confines of the corporate world.

Determined to make the most of the life that had been restored to her, Marcy sold her successful business in 2006 and returned to her true passion, art.

Marcy describes her paintings as “puzzles” in which line plays a crucial part. It is through an artistic process of finding “lines lost and an unexpected perspective found” that she imbues her compositions with energy. While the linework gives her art energy, it is the artist’s distinctive palette that gives her oil paintings life. Marcy’s art is represented in galleries nationwide and can be found in private and corporate collections across the United States and abroad.

Marcy’s memoir, Blank Canvas, released May 24, 2022 through Tyndale Publishers and is available in bookstores and online toorder now.



Marcy came to know The Lord at a very early age, but as she moved into early adulthood, her view of God was “Lord, you can handle the world and I’ll handle my own life”. This worked for her for a while, but she eventually reached a point where something needed to change because she couldn’t do it on her own anymore. 

God brought her to her knees and she knew she needed God in her life in a more personal, intimate way. 

When Marcy was 30 years old, she had her 3rd baby. Thirtysix hours after her daughter was born, something went seriously wrong and she slipped into a coma. Over the next several days, the doctors would come to learn that she had contracted pneumococcal bacterial spinal meningitis during the delivery of the baby. Marcy is fighting this bacterial infection in her brain, and the doctors all thought she would die. 

Marcy’s pastor received a word for God that Marcy would not die. He came and prayed over her, believing that she would be healed. A few hours after he leaves the hospital, Marcy woke up! It was a miracle!

When Marcy awoke, she believed that she was 17. She had lost 13 years of her memories. She had no memory of her husband, kids, or adult life. 

She knew she had God, and she continued to pray. She had forgotten so much of her life, but she didn’t forget that God was with her! 

Every morning Marcy would beg God to bring her memories back. She was desperate for her memories to come back. Months began to pass and she realized that her memories were not coming back. Instead of turning to God and waiting for Him, she ran the other direction and turned to alcohol. She started drinking to forget what she couldn’t remember. Alcohol became her idol.

The Bible tells us, “Turn to the Lord and He will renew your strength.”

God did not leave Marcy in this dark place. He called her back home and drew her heart back to Him. One night as Marcy was taking the dog out,, she caught a view of her family through the widow. In that moment, God spoke to Marcy’s heart and said, “This is what I saved you for– the future, not the past. As much as that father loves his children, I love you more. Just as he is holding his daughter, I am holding you. But you have to trust me, I will never let you fall.” 

In that moment, Marcy surrendered everything to The Lord. She gave up alcohol at that moment. 

This is what I saved you for– the future, not the past! 

No matter what has happened in your past, God is doing a new thing. There is still hope in The Lord! 

Marcy rediscovered her passion for painting. She began painting successfully for many years. A few years ago she began to suffer from Rheumatoid Arthritis and it was so painful to do the art that she loved so much. One night, when she was feeling very discouraged, God led Marcy to the book of Habakkuk. In this book, Habakkuk asks God, “Why”, and “How long?”. The book ends with Habakkuk praising God in spite of his questions. In the middle of the book, Habakkuk says he is going to climb to his watch tower and wait and see what God has for him. 

Marcy decided that this time she would treat her struggle differently than she did in the past. Instead of turning to alcoholism, or rushing to fill the void with something else, she was going to wait to see what God had for her in the Rheumatoid Arthritis (RA). She knew that God is good, and even though her situation didn’t look good, God has something good in it. 

Climb to your watchtower and wait to see what God has for you! 

With her RA, God has used it to help Marcy trust God more. Even though her hands hurt everyday, she has to depend on God everyday. That is a sweet place to be. 


Right now, Marcy has a painting sitting unfinished in her studio. If you walked into her studio and saw it, you would think that it wasn’t very good. She has to build layer upon layer upon layer before it is done. Her paintings are multiple layers and each layer adds greater depth, richer color and more interest. Early in the process, the painting is not yet what she desires it to be. 

One day in the studio God reminded Marcy that HE is the master artist and we are the canvas, and every layer matters. He wastes nothing! He works all things together for good. What God is doing is for our good– even if it looks like a messy layer. IF you are in a bad place, be encouraged because He is not finished. You’re just in a bad layer, and He will finish what He started. 

God loves you so much that He sent His Son to die for you. He wouldn’t have sent His Son if He wasn’t going to finish the work that He started in you. 


He is patient in watching us learn to wait. He is full of grace and mercy. His grace and goodness never leave us. He is on the throne. We are before Him. 

“He is one His throne, let all the earth be silent before Him.”  Habakkuk 2:20


God loves us more than we will ever comprehend. 

There is a blessing in the waiting.


We are taking a little break for the holidays, videos will resume at the end of January! :)

Thank you, as always, for listening! Please remember that everything we do is funded by those who benefit from our ministry. Our ministry a 501(c)3, so your contribution is tax-deductible.


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  • The Collected Podcast is a production of Collected Ministries, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping disciples of Jesus discover and live from their true identity in Christ, recognize and walk in their divine purpose within the Kingdom of God, and experience growth in their capacity for mature, healthy relationships.

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  • The Collected Podcast is produced by Jes Biondo and edited by Jacob Early. Cover art designed by Ben Biondo.