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S5 Episode #10- Nicole Taylor


This week I am excited to welcome Nicole Taylor to the podcast! Nicole is an award-winning journalist turned visionary nonprofit leader. After working in the international orphan care world for 8 years, Nicole became a foster parent. Now, as a fierce advocate for children and families within the foster care system, Nicole serves as the Executive Director of Congregations for Kids (CFK) in Charlotte, NC. Nicole also serves on the advisory board for the Congressional Coalition on Adoption Institute and has been featured on CNN for her work within child welfare.

In this episode, we talk about facing difficult transitions, and how to remain rooted in who God has called us to be. We also dive into what foster care teaches us about the heart of The Father. You won’t want to miss this one!

More About CFK

Congregations for Kids (CFK) in Charlotte, NC, equips and empowers the community to be champions for children, families and social workers in the foster care system. CFK has four simple pathways to help you become a champion for kids in foster care: Foster. Mentor. Serve. Give.


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From a very young age, Nicole had always known that she had a passion for orphan care. As a journalist, she was always very connected with organizations that sought to help vulnerable children. After 8 years, Nicole began working for a nonprofit that helped to put computer labs in places around the world where children don’t have access to that kind of technology. 

Walking Through Transitions 

It was very hard for Nicole to walk away from journalism because she had worked hard to achieve accolades in her field. Yet, at the same time she was miserable as a journalist– it was taking a toll on her soul and she knew that she had to walk away. 

It is in our human nature to stick with the “miserable known”, rather than step out into the unknown. It can be so scary to let go because you can’t even begin to dream of what life will look like on the other side. But, we challenge you to release it to The Lord. 

The Heart of The Father Through Foster Care

It is all about reunification– healing and restoring families. 

Nicole began working for Congregations for Kids. They work to equip and empower the community to be champions for children, families and social workers in the foster care system. They do those through 4 pathways: foster, mentor, serve, give. 

When we let go and give God our “yes”, He always surprises us! 

There was one season in Nicole’s life when her family was fostering to adopt a baby boy and the adoption fell through. It was a time of celebration that the baby’s family was able to take him, but it was also a time of grieving the personal loss of the baby within her own family.

A few nights after giving up the baby, Nicole was in prayer and heard The Lord speak to her heart, “It’s not about you.” 

It is never about us. It’s always about the greater work that God is doing. THAT is the heart of the Father. It is not about things being comfortable or perfect– it’s not about the things that make you happy all the time. 

This was a faith-building moment for Nicole. It was the reminder that God created her and will give her the strength to get through this hard season, and what an honor it was to be a small part of this boy’s story. 

There is freedom in the idea that “it’s not all about me”. We get to be a part of God’s bigger story! 

Encouragement for the Journey 

God’s story is so much bigger than we can imagine! You may walk through deep valleys, but God will never leave your side. When unexpected pivots happen in your life, you need to go to God and trust that there is a bigger story at play than what you can see in the moment. 

God sees you. He loves you. He is for you! 

Being Adopted as a Child of God 

We often buy into the lie that “your work is your worth”. This is not true! Your identity is not rooted in what you do or don’t do. God loves and values you just as you are. You are His child. God loves and cherishes you, even if you never did anything else again. 

You can remain rooted in this by starting your day with The Lord and surrounding yourself with people who will remind you of God’s truth. 

Only God 

When Nicole started working for CFK, she quickly realized that it wasn’t what she thought she had signed up for. BUT GOD has blown her away with all of the ways that He has provided and grown the ministry in ways that never seemed possible. 

When we see God show up for us in big ways and small ways, it builds our faith and helps to be able to recognize Him in other moments as well. 

Final Thoughts 

We are here to be a light to others– not to judge or condemn. Our purpose is to shine Jesus, even if it is not reciprocated by those around us. We might not receive the validation we desire on this side of Heaven, but we must never grow weary of shining the light of Jesus. 

Thoughts from Jes- “OPEN YOUR MAIL”

Sometimes the thing that you are praying for is already done! God has already brought the answer, we are just not seeing it. Sometimes you are praying for something, but the reality is that you already have the victory– God has already fulfilled the promise– you just need to walk in it!




CFK Website

Thank you, as always, for listening! Please remember that everything we do is funded by those who benefit from our ministry. Our ministry a 501(c)3, so your contribution is tax-deductible.

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  • The Collected Podcast is a production of Collected Ministries, a non-profit organization dedicated to helping disciples of Jesus discover and live from their true identity in Christ, recognize and walk in their divine purpose within the Kingdom of God, and experience growth in their capacity for mature, healthy relationships.

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  • The Collected Podcast is produced by Jes Biondo and edited by Jacob Early. Cover art designed by Ben Biondo.