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S2 Episode #22- Shamyra Parker

The One when Shamyra Comes Back

We recently reached out to some of our past guests that we felt might have some thoughts and feelings about everything going on in our country currently and we were delighted to receive a response from our beautiful friend Shamyra Parker! Shamyra is an author, speaker, self-care advocate, and champion for black female leaders. Please be sure to listen to our first interview with Shamyra in Season 1.

Below you will find the video and audio versions of the interview, a Listening Guide, and a series of resources that Shamyra provided.



According to the CDC, black women have a life expectancy that is 3 years shorter than white women. Stress is the main factor for this. The strong black woman archetype is perpetuated in the media. This archetype is traced throughout all of American history. In times of slavery, the black woman was trained to think about anyone other than themselves. They were told they weren’t worthy of taking care of themselves-- their main purpose was providing for the needs of others-- white people in particular. 

This dynamic still has an impact in the American workplace today. Women change themselves in order to make others feel comfortable-- at the expense of their true identity. This is learned behavior that requires an added layer of identity work to reconcile. 

Self-care is a practice and life-style change-- this is how we nurture the God in us. Jesus modeled this when we took time away to be alone with The Father. This is important for refocusing and recharging. This is a form of stewardship for the gifts that God has given us. 

Shamyra seeks to serve those black women who are pouring out and serving others. These women don’t often have the safe spaces where they can share their struggles. As she began to lean into this, she realized that this was her new assignment-- to super serve black female leaders. Her message is for all people, but it’s a super serve for black women. 

We have the freedom to practice self-compassion and be tender toward our weaknesses. 

“Don’t “should” on me. Don’t “should” on yourself! 

Every space is not a safe space for black women, due to this it is important the operate in the space of power. Not asking for what they need, but taking a stand to protect their needs-- empowering women to practice self-compassion. We must be kind, loving and gentle with ourselves. This is especially hard for women who have been taught to be tough. 

“There is a time for grit and a time for grace.” 

How can we expect to exist in a world where we are given compassion if we don’t first give it to ourselves? 

The concept of authority is different for black people vs. white people. This plays out in the natural and spiritual realms. If you have always had the privilege of operating out of power and authority in the natural realm, then claiming that authority and power in the Spirit comes more naturally. However, if you haven’t had this experience in the natural, then it could be harder to claim it in the spiritual. It is something that must be relearned. 

We were born for being who God created us to be! We should never fear stepping into our true identities -- even if it makes someone else uncomfortable. Some people place guilt on those who are living and walking in freedom. This causes us to dilute ourselves to make others comfortable. This is not of The Lord. 

“Being your authentic self is your superpower!” 

Trying to make ourselves “more palatable” is dishonoring God. When we don’t show up as our authentic selves, we are dishonoring God. You are creatively crafted to be YOU. The world needs what you uniquely have to offer. How dare we edit ourselves to be palatable to other people who probably weren’t our assignment in the first place!! 

“Don’t dilute yourself for someone who you probably weren’t even assigned to.” 

This is why Sabbath and self-care are so vital. This is what allows us to be with The Lord and soak in his presence. This is where identity is found. 

We must get comfortable with being uncomfortable. Some people have a hard time being quiet with The Lord. This is so necessary, even if it feels unnatural. It’s easier to be distracted than sitting in the silence. Silence can be loud and disarming. 

In moments of discomfort, ask yourself-- What lies are you believing about God and about who you are in Him? The Enemy is a master strategist-- he will try to create a lie around the things that strengthen your identity! He will do anything he can to keep you away from resting in The Lord. 

“Who were you before the world told you who you were?” 

Your wounds are where the lies can get in. However when we heal past trauma, the wounds become the places where the light can enter. 

We are standing in hope that we will see a shift in this generation. We are heavy, but we are hopeful! 


See this content in the original post


Shamyra kindly provided a list of the resources that she is using to continue her own education. We wanted to make sure to share them with you!


“Black Women’s Mental Health: Balancing Strength & Vulnerability” by Stephanie Y. Evans, Kanika Bell, and Nsenga K. Burton

“Sisters of the Yam” by bell hooks

“Breathe: A Letter to My Sons” by Imani Perry


Shamyra is offering a 4-week "Mental Makeover Masterclass" that will begin the first part of August. Sign up HERE.

A Little More BackgrouNd on Shamyra:

Shamyra is a North Carolina native. After college, Shamyra packed up everything she could fit in her car and set out on a new adventure by moving to San Diego, CA. After a year of realizing she was more of a city girl, she moved to Los Angeles, where she fell in love with the food, vast and varied access to art and cultural events, and the vibe of city. She had found her second home.

Shamyra quickly settled into a career in Sales and Marketing, as an executive in the television industry and enjoyed a lucrative career there before deciding to move to Las Vegas. After living in Las Vegas for 6 months, she decided to head back to familiar territory - North Carolina. After moving back to her home state and pivoting Executive Sales and Marketing career tracks from television into Health and Wellness, Shamyra worked another 7 years in Corporate America - writing and speaking on the side - before deciding to end her 15 year corporate career and taking the leap to become a full-time speaker and writer.

Shamyra is now the mama bear to two amazing boys and on a mission to not only inspire women and girls, but to also be a catalyst for transformation. She is a self-care expert, inspirational speaker, and author whose passion in life is helping women and girls transform their mindset and habits in order to reshape their life.

Having experienced her own early-life trauma, then choosing the path of committing to healing and overcoming adversity, Shamyra has firsthand experience with how mindset can either facilitate or hinder transformation. She provides habit development and resilience training; seminars on the importance of developing UNCOMPROMISING SELF-CARE as a habit for mental and physical health; and "Know Your Worth. Understand Your Value" workshops for teen and college-aged young women. The two books: "Breaking Bad: 21 Days to Break a Habit" and "Boundless by Birthright Inspirational Journal" are Shamyra's debut self-published books. And she looks forward to empowering and equipping women and girls with the tools they need to implement sustainable lifestyle changes.


Intragram: @bornboundlessintl & @iamshamyraparker

Facebook: @iamshamyraparker


Purchase Her Books!

Thank you, as always, for listening! Please remember that everything we do is funded by those who benefit from our ministry, whether they be Patrons or event attendees. We are still waiting for our 501(c)3 to be officially registered, but we would certainly appreciate your contribution in these uncertain times. 

See this donate button in the original post

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